Tot wash gamesThe baby
shower games should be for fun and exciting for the baby and also helps
the people attending get familiar and feel easy between each other. Make your guests choose two names for the baby and write on a paper and ask them to find some words from that names as many words possible by giving them certain amount of time they need. The guests should be informed about the mininmum number of words as three where less than that are not counted. The players should not reveal the names as a trick can be played to the guests to find out the original names from the words constucted by the players.For Instance: Michael- Anthony .Ant -hint-mint-minty--lint Giving food time Cotton balls can be put in one bowl and the players may be asked to transfer into the oter bowl using a spoon.Since the balls are so light it is hard to scoop the balls with spoons.The balls transferred within thirty seconds by a player is the winner. Rice basin The uncooked rice should be placed in a bowl with some saftey pins inside it.The players should be blindfolded in front of the bowls and the pins should be transferred within 30 seconds and it is tuff too because the pins feel like ruice. Infant Visitors The guests can be asked to bring some baby photos with them and give it to the secretary who will label them with removable tape at the back and note on oter sheet to identify the photo and it is important to be careful because it is akeepsake. The guests
should be given a paper and a pen and shown the baby photos one by one.the
guests should try to guess and write the answer and reveal the answers
to the quiz.The most number of answers correct guesses wins the games.
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