Points to ponder on inviting men for baby showersThe website
www.preggiepeggy.com has an interesting article on the so-called co-ed
baby showers. The adage does not mean inviting couples for baby showers.
Rather, it refers to the act of extending invitation both by the expectant
mother and her husband together. In this context, it is not unusual to see more men participating in baby showers. The decision to have men at the baby shower and these men may be friends of the father is a decision that, naturally, would be made by both would-be parents. The negative and positive aspects that are attached to any co-ed baby shower will not allow you to presume things. So, if you decide to invite men, then ensure that this is reflected on the invitation. Sunday being earmarked for religious matters, many men still consider Sunday as holy day and this point can be borne in your mind while extending the invitation to men. During the soccer season (October through January), Sunday is a very important day for majority of men. And showing up to a shower might be the last thing that they want to do on Sundays. So if circumstances make you to hold the baby shower on a Sunday, you can at least ensure that the same is not falling on a Super Bowl Sunday at least! If the baby shower is conducted during March, then make sure that it does not interfere with the March Madness period as people, both men and women have special interests for the period. If you are not in a position to ascertain the so-called madness period, then you can consult any of your local sports enthusiasts. He/she will be in a position to tell you when high and low seasons are! In the case of co-ed baby showers, you may take extra care to do away with the Tea Party Theme as certain feminine elements are attached to it. Instead, you can choose certain gender-neutral entertainment that may go well with the co-ed baby showers. Many men, due to their varied cultural upbringing level, are not in a position to appreciate the nuances or the delicate aspects of life. So, it may
not be right on your part to expect men to become emotional when you ask
for the impact of the book Little Women on them. Though men
support their fellow counterparts well, you cannot expect them to show
their heart out in emotional situations. | A Celebrity Theme for Baby Shower | Are you not aware of Baby Shower Then this book is for you | A Tea Party Theme for Baby Shower | Different Games that might its place | Disadvantages of using a gift registry | Few more points for successful Baby Shower | Getting back to the Baby Shower | Getting the rsvp from the Guests | Importance of Food in Baby Shower | Points to ponder on inviting men for baby showers |
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